It didn’t really occur to me that I won’t be receiving salary until about the end of next month… until later this week.
Silly me for not thinking ahead, that of course before I can open a bank account, I will need an address! And not just that, it has to be after I actually move into the house/apartment I will be staying for 2 years. Instead of wallowing in regrets, best thing to do is to move forward with a positive (and definitely wiser) disposition.
Suddenly I am thrust into this position and my perspective just changes. It’s like discernment of what I NEED vs what I simply want (unncessary things) just come naturally. So as the gratefulness for little things that make me save money! Like free rides, free food, office ID for deferred payments. Diskarte levels up when you realize your limitations, ne? Such is the blessing of this state I am now 🙂
I will live for 1 month with my 200 USD money I have with me. I will survive! Woohoo XD