皆さん、お疲れ様でした。ジェニーのBroken日本語を耐えられて理解してくれて本当にお疲れ様でした。笑 大変お世話になりました。
グロデリセンターに所属した2年間に与えられた機会に、またはこのチームの皆さんに支えてくれて、心を込めて感謝いたします。何とお礼を申し上げてよいのか、感謝の言葉も見つかりませんが、本当にまことにありがとうございました。私にとって楽しいだけではなく、幸いな2年間でした。神様にこのチームに導かれて感謝の気持でいっぱいです。何度も自分自身を信じていない場合が多かったが、経験がゼロにも関わらずいろんな仕事をやらせてもらって、信頼してくれてホンマにありがとう。(やれる人があまりなくて仕方がなかったと思いますが 笑、それにしても信頼したことに対して、感謝感謝でした。)
Words are not enough to express how grateful I am for this team, for the opportunities that have been given me these past two years. Truly a blessing that I will thank God for. A lot of times, I do not even trust myself and am not confident, but you guys just trust me anyway and give me responsibilities even if I have 0 experience in that area (I know you don’t really have much of a choice because no one else is available to do it haha. But still it takes trust to give those responsibilities, so I thank you for that)
I do not believe in accidents; I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that there is a higher purpose as to where we are placed where we are… that beyond decisions of our bosses and movements in the organization, that there is a God who led us there. And with that, I thank God for leading me to this team. I am so so blessed to have worked together with you. You have taught me how much there is to cherish in our interactions with people and the relationships we build from the time we spend together. Even in the workplace, it is possible! And boy, I cannot believe we can actually build this kind of relationship and bond in a workplace in Japan! But we worked together, in spite of the vast difference in our personalities; laughed together, shared stories together and learned about each other beyond the four corners of the workplace, fought a little, cried a little–all but wonderful memories the past two years of working here.
Before coming to Japan I had worries and concerns, due to my prejudice about Japan work environment. I imagined a workplace that was traditional, very quiet… people would just concentrate on working and mind their own business. But I really believe God opened this door, so with faith and hope I journeyed to the unknown and into this team. And I was surprised to see a changing workplace! People were actually talking to me, asking me about my search for an apartment! And that was just the beginning of many other surprises and memories.
この2年間の凸凹、良い日/悪い日、浮き沈みのおかげで、まるでExcitingなジェッ トコースターを乗ったようなアドベンチャーになりました。良い意味で。振返ってみると、一番ストレスに苦しんで疲れ切った日々、チームとの意見が一致しない、議論した日々は最も目を覚まさせて心を開かれて、忘れられない日々でした。この「悪い日」は最も学びと成長のきっかけになって、正直「悪い日」とは思えない。他のチームを知られれば知るほど、うちのチームみたいに上司とチームメンバーとオープンに話し合えること、いつでも何のトピックでも相談出来て話を聞かれて、アドバイスをもらったりすることなんて珍しいことだと分かってきました。自分はどんなに恵まれているんだろうと実感しました。神様の恵みに違いないです。感謝の気持ちが溢れています。
It has been such a rollercoaster ride, really. With all the ups and downs, good days and bad days (which, after you look back, have been wonderful opportunities for learning and growth, and as such are not exactly “bad” but still good, great even) The times that I was most stressed, most tired, the times where I debated or had arguments with people over things as we could not see eye to eye on things, were actually the most unforgettable, memorable, eye-and-heart-opening, life-shaping days for me. And I truly thank God for these opportunities. For, as I have seen in other teams, not everyone is actually given this chance to discuss this openly with their teammates and superiors. Not everyone has a boss or teammates whom they can easily talk to and consult whenever, wherever, who would take time to really listen with open ears. And more so, get feedback and advice. And for that, I consider myself truly truly blessed. I cannot thank you enough. Beyond words can express.
君達がが私にとって天与でした、本当に。信頼してくれて、「Push」をしてくれて、自分自身をもっと信じてどこにいても飛ぶようになって応援してくれた天与の人達でした。:) 私のContributionはそんなにないと思いますが、どうにか小っちゃいことでも、いい影響になったこと、天から与えられた目的の少しでも果たすことが出来たらいいなと願うばかりです。(お菓子とおやじギャグ以外に 笑) マヤ・アンジェロウが言ったように、「みんなはあなたが言ったことを忘れてしまう。 あなたがしたことを忘れてしまう。 だけどあなたに対して抱いた感情を忘れることはないでしょう.」と。君達が私にとってそういうインパクトがありました。そしてそれを忘れないように、毎回思い出して、感謝することを忘れないように願っています。
I consider all of you as Heaven-sent people who pushed and encouraged me, and help me to believe in myself more and fly with confidence 🙂 I can only hope I was able to serve my purpose here and made an impact somehow in my own little way. (Beyond the bad jokes/puns, beyond making you guys fat with all the snacks and sweets haha) As Maya Angelou once said, “People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel” And you guys made that impact to me, and I hope to not forget to look back and remember them, and be thankful each time. To not forget to “count my blessings” each time.
I pray that wherever we go, we will be filled with faith, hope, and love.
「いつまでも残るものが三つあります。信仰と希望と愛です。」 (コリント人への手紙Ⅰ 13:13)
“Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13
Happy Easter/Resurrection Day (復活祭)! Jesus is alive and we celebrate 🙂 イエス様がよみがえられたのでお祝いしています。
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16