• Anime/Manga

    Beautiful Eyes upon My Happy Marriage

    It is often said that the eyes are the window to the soul, that you can understand a person’s emotions and sometimes thoughts by looking into his or her eyes. And on the subject of eyes, one thing I can’t help but notice while watching My Happy Marriage is this particular focus on the characters eyes–and I mean literal zoom-in focus. Probably the first anime I’ve seen with this level of focus. Boy are they beautiful expressive eyes! Such a visual treat and a mesmerizing experience I must say. I mean, from the very start of this anime, we are…

  • Anime/Manga

    Perfect Love Casts out Fear: An Ode to My Happy Marriage

    After the cliffhanger episode 5, finally we get to see Kiyoka save his beloved Miyo from the hands of the cruel Saimoris in episode 6. Oh what a lovely episode! For the first time in Miyo’s life, she finds that which is worth fighting for with her life, and fights for it with her heart and soul. From the lifeless, close-to-despair-looking Miyo in the first episode, seeing that fierce look in her eyes despite getting slapped by her cruel stepmother is already a clear sign that something in her has changed. Miyo’s resilience is truly admirable. And the way she…