• Personal Life

    Life Update: Where Life Ends, and Life Begins

    The past week has been quite a rollercoaster for me and my husband. Not because of our marriage struggles–as we are thankfully, by God’s grace, learning to be more patient and adjust with each other–but because of events involving other people in our lives. My husband’s dad passed away the eve of October 7 Saturday. We were really hopeful his condition would stabilize to get the operation he needed and recover, but sadly he was not able to make it. I will never forget that moment my husband’s family gathered for a video call with their dad, who was no…

  • Work Life

    Work Diaries: 2023/09/08 Celebrating Honda RoadSync’s Turn-by-Turn Release Milestone

    嵐は我々を止められぬ!!No storm can stop us  (especially with God on our side!) Capturing this memorable life event related to my work for posterity. This day, we celebrated a HUGE milestone for our team and their product, Honda RoadSync—the release of the Turn-by-Turn feature. A feature that was part of the original product vision, a feature that the Product team and all those involved in the product has worked hard to make a reality. Both by Drivemode team and Honda RoadSync team. This feature was ready for release since three years ago, yet was kept by the upper management from being released.…

  • Faith Walk

    Revelations from a Juice: making room for God to organize your life

    Do you often feel like there’s so much to do and so little time in your hands? Or you constantly find yourself in a rat race, endless chasing and chased by deadlines, feeling unable to breathe and rest? Here’s the common-sense unsolicited advice you may not want to hear: you might be taking in too much more than you can handle, and you need to let go of things to recalibrate and be able to do the rest of what you need/want to do.

  • Personal Life

    Mahalo: reminiscing our Hawaii graduation in GLIK program by Fujitsu-JAIMS

    Met with dear friends/classmates from GLIK (Global Leaders for Innovation and Knowledge) last night, and as always, had a great time hanging out with this bunch of people. They are a treasure in this land of Japan, where such warmth is a rarity (and makes it all the more special!). They give me much hope for the future of this nation—current and future nation builders, as they make impact in their workplace and their respective careers, and more importantly, as they take care of their families with love and joy. Family is where one’s future is first shaped, after all.…

  • Faith Walk - Marriage - Personal Life

    The Tangled Web of Unforgiveness and Pride: A Rollercoaster Journey

    Do you know the feeling of watching a suspense thriller movie and being surprised by a plot twist that turns things around and makes you go "woooahh-ly!"? That's how I felt when God revealed to me the depth of pride and unforgiveness in my heart. I had another scales-falling-off-from-my-eyes enlightenment moment as I realized that the faults I had been accusing and criticizing my husband of were actually a reflection of the very sins in my heart. Oh, the shock, the humiliation; yet also the overwhelming grace and comfort I felt through this rollercoaster.

  • Agile/Scrum - Work Life

    Random Musings of a Scrum Master #1: On Leadership and Transformation

    It has been 4 weeks since I undertook this role of being a full-time Scrum Master for a Product team, technically 2 weeks since I have officially stepped into the role facilitating the Scrum events, and my mind has been running the “how to be a better Scrum Master/how to leas my team well” process asynchronously since lol. Also like a sponge of ideas that takes in cues from what I read and what I see in my environment, connecting the dots from what I have learned in the past. Lightbulbs here and there. A happy problem to have I…

  • Work Life

    Winning the (Work) War this Week

    “All battles are first won or lost, in the mind” -Joan of Arc This cannot be more true in my experience the past days adjusting to my new work. I’m a newbie in the company, don’t know much about the ins and outs yet, especially connecting to the right set of people to get information that I need to do my job well (yet). I have no formal experience dealing with clients directly, especially not as early as in the proposal phase (and especially doing the proposal), yet here I am involved in this big project. I have a mentor…

  • Work Life

    Goodbye, Walmart Japan/Seiyu. And thank you :)

    I have officially resigned from Walmart Japan/Seiyu effective September 30, and I have rendered my last day last Friday. It was such a bittersweet day (or bittersweet week!), as I get to talk to people like never before, with the thought of saying goodbye and reminiscing the fond memories we had together since I joined the company last April of 2020. Allow me to indulge a bit and walk down memory lane, as well as share lessons I learned along the way. Prior to joining Walmart Japan, I have mostly worked for big Japanese SIer companies, so I was really…

  • Personal Life

    Sometimes in life, we need to learn to give up too

    I’m not taking about giving up on life altogether. That’s the ultimate giving up that we do not want to reach, and exactly why we need to learn to give up in other aspect of our lives. Like… Giving up on certain people (especially toxic ones) Giving up our perfectionist tendencies, or self-damaging expectations and standards Giving up the possibility that things will get better(giving up control on things you cannot control)—accept things, move on and start anew (NOTE: you will get better. The situation itself may not, but YOU will be better) Giving up on pleasing people, and do…